I've Bought My Tent/Awning - Now What? Khyam Warranty

Welcome to the Khyam family! We're so pleased to have you onboard, we've put together an information page that will run you through all the key bits of information you'll need to ensure your camping experience will be the best it can be.


After going through this checklist the next best thing that we always recommend is to CHECK YOUR TENT ONCE YOU GET IT.

If you are pitching on grass or anywhere outside make sure to PITCH WITH A GROUNDSHEET.

This can get you used to the instructions provided and identify any potential manufacturing faults before your trip.


Help! My Tent Has Damage Or A Fault

If you have found a fault with your tent during the initial pitch check process described above, you can submit a warranty claim form and our team will be in touch with you to organise a collection for the purpose of resolving your issue.

If you have sustained damage to your product as a result of weather damage, an accident, or wear and tear please contact our trusted repair partner Tent Spares through their website.

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